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Chapter 5
Vgroups (V API)
- 5.1 Chapter Overview
- 5.2 The Vgroup Data Model
- 5.2.1 Vgroup Names and Classes
- 5.2.2 Vgroup Organization
- 5.2.3 An Example Using Vgroups
- 5.3 The Vgroup Interface
- 5.3.1 Vgroup Interface Routines
- 5.3.2 Identifying Vgroups in the Vgroup Interface
- 5.4 Programming Model for the Vgroup Interface
- 5.4.1 Accessing Files and Vgroups: Vstart and Vattach
- 5.4.2 Terminating Access to Vgroups and Files: Vdetach and Vend
- 5.5 Creating and Writing to a Vgroup
- 5.5.1 Assigning a Vgroup Name and Class: Vsetname and Vsetclass
- 5.5.2 Inserting Any HDF Data Object into a Vgroup: Vaddtagref
- 5.5.3 Inserting a Vdata or Vgroup Into a Vgroup: Vinsert
- 5.6 Reading from Vgroups
- 5.6.1 Locating Vgroups and Obtaining Vgroup Information
- Locating Lone Vgroups: Vlone
- Sequentially Searching for a Vgroup: Vgetid
- Obtaining the Name of a Vgroup: Vgetname
- Obtaining the Class Name of a Vgroup: Vgetclass
- Locating a Vgroup Given Its Name: Vfind
- Locating a Vgroup Given Its Class Name: Vfindclass
- 5.6.2 Obtaining Information about the Contents of a Vgroup
- Obtaining the Number of Objects in a Vgroup: Vntagrefs
- Obtaining the Tag/Reference Number Pair of a Data Object within a Vgroup : Vgettagref
- Obtaining the Tag/Reference Number Pairs of Data Objects in a Vgroup: Vgettagrefs
- Testing Whether a Data Object Belongs to a Vgroup: Vinqtagref
- Testing Whether a Data Object within a Vgroup is a Vgroup: Visvg
- Testing Whether an HDF Object within a Vgroup is a Vdata: Visvs
- Locating a Vdata in a Vgroup Given Vdata Fields: Vflocate
- Retrieving the Number of Tags of a Given Type in a Vgroup: Vnrefs
- Retrieving the Reference Number of a Vgroup: VQueryref
- Retrieving the Tag of a Vgroup: VQuerytag
- 5.7 Deleting Vgroups and Data Objects within a Vgroup
- 5.7.1 Deleting a Vgroup from a File: Vdelete
- 5.7.2 Deleting a Data Object from a Vgroup: Vdeletetagref
- 5.8 Vgroup Attributes
- 5.8.1 Obtaining the Vgroup Version Number of a Given Vgroup: Vgetversion
- 5.8.2 Obtaining Information on a Given Vgroup Attribute: Vattrinfo
- 5.8.3 Obtaining the Total Number of Vgroup Attributes: Vnattrs
- 5.8.4 Setting the Attribute of a Vgroup: Vsetattr
- 5.8.5 Retrieving the Values of a Given Vgroup Attribute: Vgetattr
- 5.8.6 Retrieving the Index of a Vgroup Attribute Given the Attribute Name: Vfindattr
- 5.9 Obsolete Vgroup Interface Routines
- 5.9.1 Determining the Next Vgroup or Vdata Identifier: Vgetnext
- 5.9.2 Determining the Number of Members and Vgroup Name: Vinquire
- 5.10 Vgroup Backward Compatibility Issues
- 5.10.1 Vset Implementation Integrated into the Vgroup Interface
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HDF User's Guide - 07/21/98, NCSA HDF
Development Group.