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Chapter 4
Vdatas (VS API)
- 4.1 Chapter Overview
- 4.2 The Vdata Model
- 4.2.1 Records and Fields
- 4.3 The Vdata Interface
- 4.3.1 Header Files Used by the Vdata Interface
- 4.3.2 Vdata Library Routines
- 4.3.3 Identifying Vdatas in the Vdata Interface
- 4.3.4 Programming Model for the Vdata Interface
- 4.3.5 Accessing Files and Vdatas: Vstart and VSattach
- 4.3.6 Terminating Access to Vdatas and Files: VSdetach and Vend
- 4.4 Creating and Writing to Single-Field Vdatas: VHstoredata and VHstoredatam
- 4.5 Writing to Multi-Field Vdatas
- 4.5.1 Creating Vdatas
- Assigning a Vdata Name and Class: VSsetname and VSsetclass
- Defining a Field within a Vdata: VSfdefine
- Initializing the Fields for Write Access: VSsetfields
- Specifying the Interlace Mode: VSsetinterlace
- 4.5.2 Writing Data to Vdatas
- Resetting the Current Position within Vdatas: VSseek
- Writing to a Vdata: VSwrite
- Packing or Unpacking Field Data: VSfpack
- 4.6 Reading from Vdatas
- 4.6.1 Initializing the Fields for Read Access: VSsetfields
- 4.6.2 Reading from the Current Vdata: VSread
- 4.7 Searching for Vdatas in a File
- 4.7.1 Finding All Vdatas that are Not Members of a Vgroup: VSlone
- 4.7.2 Sequentially Searching for a Vdata: VSgetid
- 4.7.3 Determining a Reference Number from a Vdata Name: VSfind
- 4.7.4 Searching for a Vdata by Field Name: VSfexist
- 4.8 Vdata Attributes
- 4.8.1 Querying the Index of a Vdata Field Given the Field Name: VSfindex
- 4.8.2 Setting the Attribute of a Vdata or Vdata Field: VSsetattr
- 4.8.3 Querying the Values of a Vdata or Vdata Field Attribute: VSgetattr
- 4.8.4 Querying the Total Number of Vdata and Vdata Field Attributes: VSnattrs
- 4.8.5 Querying the Number of Attributes of a Vdata or a Vdata Field: VSfnattrs
- 4.8.6 Retrieving the Index of a Vdata or Vdata Field Attribute Given the Attribute Name: VSfindattr
- 4.8.7 Querying Information on a Vdata or Vdata Field Attribute: VSattrinfo
- 4.8.8 Determining whether a Vdata Is an Attribute: VSisattr
- 4.9 Obtaining Information about a Specific Vdata
- 4.9.1 Obtaining Vdata Information: VSinquire
- 4.9.2 VSQuery Vdata Information Retrieval Routines
- 4.9.3 Other Vdata Information Retrieval Routines
- 4.9.4 VF Field Information Retrieval Routines
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HDF User's Guide - 07/21/98, NCSA HDF
Development Group.