The limits that this program can be taken to are endless. Some of the ideas that we had, but didn't have to implement are listed below. If you are working with a CAVE and would like to expand on our work, please feel free to download our code and revise it however you like.

Other ideas

  • Adding data entry to create ships, asteroids, power-ups, planets, etc.
  • Adding a menu system that appears directly at the tip of the wand or right in front of the user.
  • Adding networking so people from different CAVES can play each other.
  • Adding texture mapping to polygons.
  • Creating a background of stars that correspond to our universe.
  • Creating levels that are inside, underwater, on a planet surface.
  • Change the ship into a tank, sub, transformer, etc.

    These are just a few of the things that we wanted to implement. If you want, ignore us totally and do your own thing. Just let us play your game when you finish.