VRML Examples
Fake Lighting
- Lighted Cone
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Starting Point for these examples
- Showing the location of the light
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The light source in this model is surrounded by a sphere to show its location.
Notice that in spite of the fact that the sphere is surrounding the source,
the surface of the cone is still lighted. This is because we are not
raytracing. The reflection off of surfaces is computed entirely as a function
of their angle with respect to the viewer and the light sources. Consequently
there are no shadows.
Unfortunately, light coming from "nowhere", doesn't look particularly realistic.
Nor does a black sphere casting light.
- Making the light source look more realistic
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By increasing the intensity of the emissiveColor of the sphere, it can be made to appear to glow. The glowing of the sphere is not the true source of illumination for the cone, but it is sufficient to convince anyone viewing the scene that it is.
- A fake floodlight
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Here is an even more realistic (and common) way of "faking" a light source.
Polygonal Objects