Slicer Explanation:
The Java Wapplet, Slicer, will allow you to slice three different functions at any integer between 0 and 19 on any axises. For example, if you click on the "Cut x-axis" button you will be holding the x value at the integer entered and the relationship between the y and z value will be displayed. Likely you will find Slicer runs a little slow; the Java script is sending commands to the server, running the PV-Wave commands, and returning the image to you. Slicer was developed by users who did not have Spyglass so they could practice with 3D graphs. Slicer shows the desired slice and not the whole cube like Spyglass Dicer does. The following are the three functions which Slicer uses viewed in Spyglass Dicer.
Test Questions:
Look at all the slices of the Lawless data set in an mgp movie, and answer questions that test your analysis of the data.
Here is a list of other web sites on visualization:
Virginia Tech's Visualization Lab
Visualization Reference Page at VT Visualization Lab> Ron Kriz's Three Visual Methods
NSCA - Visualization Tutorial Information
NCSA-Engineering with Visual Analysis
Last revised July 26, 1996