Keisha D. Sopher
3651 Satellite Blvd
Ellenwood, GA 30049
(404) 243-3817


To obtain a Ph.D. in the field of Chemistry


Clark Atlanta University
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (expected May, 1996)
GPA 3.28
Minor in Mathematics

Mathematics Excellence Award, 1993-94
Dean's List, 1993
National Dean's List, 1993
Natural Science and Engineering Advancement Scholarship, 1992
National Science Foundation Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA (Summer, 1995).
Worked with Dr. Charles Frazier on an internship in the Forest Products Department. Developed adhesives through the Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate process. Tested adhesives' strength on wood samples. Submitted a research report for publication.

United States Department of Energy Science and Engineering Research Semester, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA (Spring, 1995).
Worked with Jeff Serne on a semester-long internship with research in In-Situ Remediation of Valence Iron Colloid. Performed analysis on iron samples using the UV-Spectrophotomer. Cleansed and separated radioactive soil and rocks using sieves in order to detect the radioactivity in the soil at the Hanford Area.

Research Assistant, Chemistry Department (1993-present)
Sol-gel processing using aluminum oxide for the preparation of glass and ceramics. Performed experiments and analyzed the data using NMR and IR. Ordered chemicals and laboratory equipment.

Symposium on Career Opportunities in Biomedical and Public Health Sciences, Washington, D.C. (April 7-10,1993)

Natural Science and Engineering Advancement Program, Clark Atlanta University,
(Summer, 1992).
Scholarship program for rising freshmen. Completed advanced courses in computer science, biology, and english. Awarded $1500 for college tuition.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program ( 1994-present)
NASA-High Performance Polymers and Ceramics Program (1992-present)
University Honors Program (1992-present)
University Chemistry Club (1992-present)

References available upon request