It is apparent from experimental data that the mechanical properties of PEEK/AS4 composite systems manufactured by suspension prepregging are greatly influenced by the chemical binder used. Unidirectional composites manufactured with a PAA TMA+ binder dissolved in an aqueous suspension of PEEK particles fail plastically in uniaxial tension. Unidirectional composites manufactured with a PAA NH4+ fail elasticly in uniaxial tension. Both systems have similar tensile elastic moduli prior to fiber/matrix interfacial debonding. Systems manufactured with PAA NH4+ binder have a 30% greater failure strength than composites made with PAA TMA+ binder. Both systems have interfacial efficiencies of around 76%. Unlike the interfacial efficiency, the interfacial shear strength values for the PAA NH4+ binder systems is much larger than the PAA TMA+ system.
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