1391 Sweeny Rd. Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 552-5875 U. S. Citizen
Professional Objective:
To secure a cooperative education position in materials engineering or related field.
Education: (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)
Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic level: Junior
Expected graduation date as a co-op: Spring 1999
Acadia Polymers
Position: Coop-Engineer (two-semesters)
Spring 1996: Worked on Finite Element Analysis in Bonded Piston Seal division of Acadia Polymers. Developed FEA request form and result analysis form for QS 9000 certification. Assitant System Administrator on SGI workstations.
Fall 1996 : Worked with Acadia's materials research and development group. Was responsible for TGA, FTIR, Instron sheer, and Mooney Viscometer testing in lab. Also concentrated on metal to elastomer bonding and foam elastomer research.
Additional Skills:
Computer Experience: Own IBM PC, SGI assistant system Administrator
Software: Windows 3.1, 3.11, MacOS, Irix, MS Word 6.0, TKSolver, AutoCad Release 12, Mathematica, Ideas 2.0-3.0, Instron Sereis IX.
Hardware: IBM-pc , Macintosh, Unix Languages: FORTRAN
College Honors - High School Honors:
Dean's List, Fall 1994
High school:
Honor Roll
Academic Awards in: Physics, Academic Decathlon
Activities and Organizations:
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity: President,Vice President, Scholastic Comittee Chair, and Public Relations Comitteee Chair.