
     February 7, 1993

     UPDATE: PV-Wave procedures and HDF-Fotran programs

     Description:  For homework assignment#2 there was some confusion
     on the different types of HDF Fortran programs and the use of
     PV-Wave procedure files.  Below is a list of programs that will
     work with fan.128_ascii.

     To create original data file:  fan.128_ascii

	- Locate fan.ub.Z in /opdisk/example/kriz/wave_procedures
	- % uncompress fan.ub.Z
	- % wave
	- wave> m_128_ascii  --> creates: fan.128_ascii
	- now you can move this data file into appropriate directories
	  for creating necessary HDF data files 

     HDF-Fortran Programs:

	many_ris_hdf.f - Creates a sequence of seperate ris-hdf files
			 for converting to a single pics file.
	one_128_ris_hdf.f  - Create a single ris-hdf file of only one
			     of the 62 slices for viewing in Ximage
			     and Image.

	many_128_ris_hdf.f - Create a single ris-hdf files of all 62
			     slices for viewing with animation feature
			     in Ximage and Xds.

	m_128_sds_hdf.f - Create a single sds-hdf file of the 3D volume
			  for viewing in Xds and SpyGlass Dicer.

        To compile: % f77 "filename".f -o "filename".x -ldf
	To execute: % "filename".x

     PV-Wave Programs: - Creates sequence of gray scale images of 62 CT-planes - Shows this sequence as an animated movie where
	              the mouse buttons control the animation.
 - Creates sequence of contour images of 62 CT-planes - Shows this sequence as an animated movie where
	              the mouse buttons control the animation. - Creates a single isosurface image of the 3D CT
			 density shown as a gouraud shaded surface:
			 a density value of 120 is suggested. 
			       wave> m_vol_surf,120 - Because the generation of this image is time
	                 consuming, this routine quickly regenerates the
			 image which was saved as a bytarr in the file
			 named "vol_surf.byt". To regenerate this image.
			       wave> s_vol_surf and - creates many or a single bytarr of
	                           each slice.