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The whole application was programmed in PV-WAVE enviroment. To create the Graphic User Interface  (GUI) we  used the integrated WAVE Widgets. In order for someone to run the apllication he must have the PV-WAVE software package instaled in his computer. To run the application follow the steps below :  
Start first PV-WAVE programm.Then type at the wave commant prompt : 

This will compile all the procedures located at the text file "". Then type  
and the programm will start. You will see the following window : 



The screen is divided in two parts. In the left part three display windows appear. The two small windows are used to visualize the reference flow and the sensitivities. The big window is used to dispaly the the new calculated flow.   
The right part of the screen is used as the input area of the user. In the begining the user must load the grid file by using the "load grid" button. He can browse the directories to find the file he wants to select. Ones the selection is completed  the programm will load the grid data and automaticcally the reference flow file too. Note that this file has to be in the same directory as the grid flile and must have the name "q.p3da". Then the user must select the file that containes the sensitivities by choossing the appropriate button. In the present time (12/97) only the sensitivieties with respect to the angle of attack (AoA) where provided.It will be also possible in the future to load the sensitivities with respect to the Mach (among other sensitivities) and this is indicated with the third button in this first menu.  



When the programm is done with loading the sensitivity data the right part of the screen is extented to display new selection buttons and slider bars that will enable the user to visualize the flow.  


As one can see in the picture bellow the user can choose to display colored contour lines or filled colored contour regions, of the four primitive variable of the flow such as pressure, density and velocities in the x- and y- direction. When displaying contour lines the user can click the "labels" button  to display the values of the contour lines. 


Underneeth the "label" buttons two slider bars are located. The first slider is used to select a value for the parameter with respect to whom the sensitivieties are calculated. In the example here this is the angle of attack. With the second slider the user selects the nummber of contour lines that are used to visualize the flow.  


Below are some hardcopies of the display for the example data provided here. The first picture shows contour lines with labels and the second pictures shows contour slices. 



In order to demonstate the change of pressure in the flow when changing the angle of attck from -4 degrees to +4 degrees we created a Quicktime and a SGI movie.

View Quick time movie  

View SQI movie 


We provide the interested "surfer" the oportunity to download the PV-WAVE procedure files along with the data files. 

Download a Ziped and tared file : data.tar.Z (3.9 MB) 
Download the PV-WAVE Procedure file : (39 KB) 
Download the grid file : grid.p3da (2.8 MB) 
Download the reference flow file : q.p3da (4.6 MB) 
Download the sensitivity file : q_SE.p3da (4.5 MB) 
Download the file that craeted the animation images : (6KB) 
Downloda the files that plot the grid : (6KB) 

This application will develop further in the future so it will include futures discussed in Recommendation/Conclusions. If you want an updated version of the programm please contact Dipl. Ing. Iossif Mugtussidis or Dimitrios G. Stamos 

All Contents Copyright © 1997 by Iossif Mugtussidis & Dimitrios G. Stamos