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Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
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EDUCATION Phd. Candidate, Accounting Information Systems,
1999. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia.
M.S.Candidate, Accounting Information Systems,
1996. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. Honors: Faculty Scholarship.
B.S., Commerce, Concentration in Accounting, May 1988.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, GPA-3.5.
Honors: Omicron Delta Kappa, Dean's List (four semesters), Intermediate
Honors, Lawn Resident, Raven Society, Walter Salley Accounting
Certification: Certified Public Accountant, Commonwealth
of Virginia, November 1988.
EXPERIENCE , Accounting Department,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, August 1995-Present.
Assisted professor in research efforts and in preparing course
materials for graduate level AIS class.
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Valley
Financial Corporation/Valley Bank, Roanoke, Virginia, August 1994-August
1995. Joined the holding company of Valley Bank, (in organization),
shortly after the effective date of the initial public offering.
As part of a four person management team, formulated a five year
budget and strategic plan for the new bank. Analyzed, selected
and supervised installation of account processing alternatives,
platform systems, bank equipment and computer hardware and software.
Processed and reported all financial activity for the holding
company during the organizational phase. Managed accounting, data
processing, personnel and compliance functions. Reported financial
results to the Board of Directors.
Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Bank of Hampton
Roads, Chesapeake, Virginia, May 1990-July 1994. During four
year tenure, the Bank grew from $35 to $104 million in assets
and from two to nine branches. Managed accounting, branch administration,
data processing, personnel, compliance and marketing functions.
Supervised over 55 employees including 14 bank officers. Formulated
five year strategic plan and corresponding budgets. Coordinated
conversion of item processing function to a reader/sorter environment.
Presented financial reports to the Board of Directors and shareholders.
Analyzed, contracted and supervised the purchase of the deposits
and assets of a $14 million failed bank from the FDIC and the
acquisition of a $15 million community bank through an exchange
of stock. Prepared regulatory applications, recommended capital
expenditures and coordinated staffing for five branch offices.
Senior Accountant, Ernst & Young, LLC, Norfolk,
Virginia, May 1988-May 1990, May 1987-August 1987. Supervised
staff accountants and audited a variety of businesses, concentrating
in financial institutions. Received specialized training in bank
Working knowledge of ITI Financial Services Industry
Software, WordPerfect, Lotus 123, Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. Currently
receiving instruction in C++ and Object Oriented Systems Developement.
PERSONALRoanoke Valley Choral Society
, 1994-1995. Member
of 120 voice choral ensemble performing three concerts per season
with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra.
Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake, 1990-1994. Treasurer and 1995
Vice President-elect. Outstanding Service Award 1991-1993. Kiwanis
Club of Roanoke, 1995.
Chesapeake Jubilee, 1991-1994. Public Relations Chairman-1993
and 1994, and Entertainment Chairman-1991 and 1992, (for Chamber
of Commerce three day, outdoor event).
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