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Universal Dataset Number 2414

Name:   Analysis Data
Status: Current
Owner:  Simulation
Revision Date: 3-OCT-1994
Record 1:        FORMAT(1I10)
                 Field 1       -- Analysis dataset label
Record 2:        FORMAT(40A2)
                 Field 1       -- Analysis dataset name
Record 3:        FORMAT (1I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Dataset location
                                   1:    Data at nodes
                                   2:    Data on elements
                                   3:    Data at nodes on elements
                                   5:    Data at points
Record 4:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1:      -- ID line 1
Record 5:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1:      -- ID line 2
Record 6:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1:      -- ID line 3
Record 7:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1:      -- ID line 4
Record 8:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1:      -- ID line 5
Record 9:        FORMAT (6I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Model type 
                                   0:   Unknown
                                   1:   Structural
                                   2:   Heat transfer
                                   3:   Fluid flow
                 Field 2:      -- Analysis type 
                                   0:   Unknown
                                   1:   Static
                                   2:   Normal mode
                                   3:   Complex eigenvalue first order
                                   4:   Transient
                                   5:   Frequency response
                                   6:   Buckling
                                   7:   Complex eigenvalue second order
                                   9:   Static non-linear
                                  10:   Craig-Bampton constraint modes
                                  11:   Equivalent attachment modes
                                  12:   Effective mass modes
                                  13:   Effective mass matrix
                                  14:   Effective mass matrix

                 Field 3:      -- Data characteristic     
                                   0:   Unknown
                                   1:   Scalar
                                   2:   3 DOF global translation vector
                                   3:   6 DOF global translation & rotation 
                                   4:   Symmetric global tensor
                                   6:   Stress resultants

                 Field 4:      -- Result type
                                   4:Element Force
                                   6:Heat Flux
                                   7:Strain Energy
                                   9:Reaction Force
                                  10:Kinetic Energy
                                  13:Strain Energy Density
                                  14:Kinetic Energy Density
                                  15:Hydrostatic Pressure
                                  16:Heat Gradient
                                  17:Code Check Value
                                  18:Coefficient of Pressure
                                  19:Ply Stress
                                  20:Ply Strain
                                  21:Failure Index for Ply
                                  22:Failure Index for Bonding
                                  23:Reaction Heat Flow
                                  24:Stress Error Density
                                  25:Stress Variation
                                  27:Element Stress Resultant
                                  32:Constraint Force
                                  34:Plastic Strain
                                  35:Creep Strain
                                  36:Strain Energy Error Norm
                                  37:Dynamic Stress At Nodes
                                  38:Heat Transfer Coefficient
                                  39:Temperature Gradient
                                  40:Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate
                                  41:Strain Energy Error
                                  42:Mass Flow
                                  43:Mass Flux
                                  44:Heat Flow
                                  45:View Factor
                                  46:Heat Load
                                  47:Stress Component
                                  48:Green Strain
                                  49:Contact Forces
                                  50:Contact Pressure
                                  51:Contact Stress
                                  52:Contact Friction Stress
                                  53:Velocity Component
                                  54:Heat Flux Component
                                  55:Infrared Heat Flux
                                  56:Diffuse Solar Heat Flux
                                  57:Collimated Solar Heat Flux
                                  58:Safety Factor
                                  59:Fatigue Damage
                                  60:Fatigue Damage With Direction
                                  61:Fatigue Life                      
                                  62:Quality Index
                                  94:Unknown Scalar
                                  95:Unknown 3DOF Vector
                                  96:Unknown 6DOF Vector
                                  97:Unknown Symmetric Tensor
                                  98:Unknown General Tensor
                                  99:Unknown Stress Resultant
                                 101:Gap Thickness
                                 102:Solid Layer (+ surface)
                                 103:Solid Layer (- surface)
                                 104:Total Solid Layer
                                 105:Flow Vector at Fill
                                 106:Bulk Flow Vector
                                 107:Core Displacement
                                 108:Layered Shear Strain Rate
                                 109:Shear Stress
                                 110:Heat Flux (+ surface)
                                 111:Heat Flux (- surface)
                                 112:Layered Temperature
                                 113:Bulk Temperature
                                 114:Peak Temperature
                                 115:Temperature at Fill
                                 116:Mass Density
                                 118:Volumetric Skrinkage
                                 119:Filling Time
                                 120:Ejection Time
                                 121:No-flow Time
                                 122:Weld Line Meeting Angle
                                 123:Weld Line Underflow
                                 124:Original Runner Diameter
                                 125:Optimized Runner Diameter
                                 126:Change in Runner Diameter
                                 127:Averaged Layered Cure
                                 128:Layered Cure
                                 129:Cure Rate
                                 130:Cure Time
                                 131:Induction Time
                                 132:Temperature at Cure
                                 133:Percent Gelation
                                 134:Part Heat Flux (+ surface)
                                 135:Part Heat Flux (- surface)
                                 136:Part-Wall Temperature (+ surface)
                                 137:Part-Wall Temperature (- surface)
                                 138:Part Ejection Time
                                 139:Part Peak Temperature
                                 140:Part Average Temperature
                                 141:Parting Temperature (+ surface)
                                 142:Parting Temperature (- surface)
                                 143:Parting Heat Flux (- surface)
                                 144:Parting Heat Flux (+ surface)
                                 145:Wall Temperature Convergence
                                 146:Wall Temperature (- surface)
                                 147:Wall Temperature (+ surface)
                                 148:Line Heat Flux
                                 149:Line Pressure
                                 150:Reynold's Number
                                 151:Line Film Coefficient
                                 152:Line Temperature
                                 153:Line Bulk Temperature
                                 154:Mold Temperature
                                 155:Mold Heat Flux
                                 156:Rod Heater Temperature
                                 157:Rod Heater Flux
                                 158:Original Line Diameter
                                 159:Optimized Line Diameter
                                 160:Change in Line Diameter
                                 161:Air Traps
                                 162:Weld Lines
                                 163:Injection Growth
                                 164:Temp Diff (Celcius)
                                 165:Shear Rate
                                 169:Flow Direction
                                 171:Flow Rate
                                 172:Thickness Ratio
                                 301:Sound Pressure
                                 302:Sound Power
                                 303:Sound Intensity
                                 304:Sound Energy
                                 305:Sound Energy Density
                                >1000:  User defined result type

                 Field 5:      -- Data type               
                                   1:   Integer
                                   2:   Single precision floating point
                                   4:   Double precision floating point
                                   5:   Single precision complex
                                   6:   Double precision complex
                 Field 6:      -- Number of data values for the data 
                                  component (NVALDC)
Record 10:       FORMAT (8I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Integer analysis type specific data (1-8)
Record 11:       FORMAT (8I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Integer analysis type specific data (9,10)
Record 12:       FORMAT (6E13.5)
                 Field 1:      -- Real analysis type specific data (1-6)
Record 13:       FORMAT (6E13.5)
                 Field 1:      -- Real analysis type specific data (7-12)
Note: See chart below for specific analysis type information.
Dataset class: Data at nodes
Record 14:       FORMAT (I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Node number
Record 15:       FORMAT (6E13.5)
                 Fields 1-N:   -- Data at this node (NDVAL real or complex 
                 Note: Records 14 and 15 are repeated for each node.      
Dataset class: Data at elements
Record 14:       FORMAT (2I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Element number
                 Field 2:      -- Number Of data values For this element(NDVAL)
Record 15:       FORMAT (6E13.5)
                 Fields 1-N:   -- Data on element(NDVAL Real Or Complex Values)
                 Note: Records 14 and 15 are repeated for all elements. 
Dataset class: Data at nodes on elements
RECORD 14:       FORMAT (4I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Element number
                 Field 2:      -- Data expansion code (IEXP) 
                                  1: Data present for all nodes
                                  2: Data present for only 1st node -All other
                                     nodes the same.
                 Field 3:      -- Number of nodes on elements (NLOCS)
                 Field 4:      -- Number of data values per node (NVLOC)
RECORD 15:       FORMAT (6E13.5)
                 Fields 1-N:   -- Data Values At Node 1 (NVLOC Real Or
                                  Complex Values)
                 Note:  Records 14 And 15 Are repeated For each Element.      
                        For Iexp = 1 Record 15 Is repeated NLOCS Times
                        For Iexp = 2 Record 15 appears once          
Dataset class: Data at points
RECORD 14:       FORMAT (5I10)
                 Field 1:      -- Element number
                 Field 2:      -- Data expansion code (IEXP) 
                                  1: Data present for all points
                                  2: Data present for only 1st point -All other
                                     points the same.
                 Field 3:      -- Number of points on elements (NLOCS)
                 Field 4:      -- Number of data values per point (NVLOC)
                 Field 5:      -- Element order
RECORD 15:       FORMAT (6E13.5)
                 Fields 1-N:   -- Data Values At point 1 (NVLOC Real Or
                                  Complex Values) 
                 Note:  Records 14 And 15 Are repeated For each Element.      
                        For Iexp = 1 Record 15 Is repeated NLOC Times
                        For Iexp = 2 Record 15 appears once          
          Notes:   1.  ID lines may not be blank.  If no information
                       is required, the word "NONE" must appear in
                       columns 1-4.
                   2.  The data is store in 
                       "node-layer-data charateristic" format.
                        Loc1 layer1 component1, Loc1 layer1 component2, ...
                        Loc1 layer1 componentN, Loc1 layer2 component1, ...
                        Loc1 Layer2 componentN, ...Loc1 layerN componentN
                        Loc2 layer1 component1, ...Loc2 layerN componentN
                        LocN layer1 component1, ...LocN layerN componentN 
                   3.  For complex data there Will Be 2*NDVAL data items. The
                       order is real part for value 1, imaginary part for
                       value 1, real part for value 2, imaginary part for
                       value 2, etc.                           
                   4.  The order of values for various data
                       characteristics is:
                       3 DOF Global Vector: X, Y, Z
                       6 DOF Global Vector: X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz
                       Symmetric Global Tensor: Sxx, Sxy, Syy,
                                                Sxz, Syz, Szz
                       Shell and Plate Element Resultant: Fx, Fy, Fxy,
                                                          Mx, My, Mxy,
                                                          Vx, Vy
                   5.  ID line 1 always appears on plots in output
                   6.  If result type is an "UNKNOWN" type,  id line 2
                       is displayed as data type in output display.
                   7.  Data Characteristic values (Record 9, Field 3)
                       imply the following values Of NDVALDC (Record 9,
                       Field 6)
                             Scalar:                   1
                             3 DOF Global Vector:      3
                             6 DOF Global Vector:      6
                             Symmetric Global Tensor:  6
                             General Global Tensor:    9   
                             Shell and Plate Resultant:8    
                       Since this value can also be derived from the Results
                       Type (Record 9, Field 4), this is redundant data, and
                       should be kept consistent. Some data was kept for
                       compatibility with older files.
                   8.  No entry is NOT the same as a 0. entry: all 0s must
                       be specified.
                   9.  A direct result of 8 is that if no records 14 and
                       15 appear for a node or element, this entity has
                       no data and will not be contoured, etc.
                   10. Dataloaders use the following id line convention:
                        1.   (80A1) MODEL IDENTIFICATION
                        2.   (80A1) RUN IDENTIFICATION
                        3.   (80A1) RUN DATE/TIME
                        4.   (80A1) LOAD CASE NAME
                        For static:
                        5.   (17H LOAD CASE NUMBER;, I10)
                        For normal mode:
                        5.   (10H MODE SAME, I10, 10H FREQUENCY, E13.5)
                   11. For situations with reduced # DOF'S, use 6 DOF 
                       translation and rotation with unused values = 0.
                   12. The integer associated data "number retained" will 
                       =0 unless the result set is created by sorting for 
                       extremes.  The maximum number of values to retain is 6.
        Specifed values:
NDVAL  - Number of data values for the element. 
NLOCS  - Number of location on the element data is stored for.
 NVALDC - Number of values for the data component.
        Derived values: 
NLAY   - Number of location through the thickness data is stored for
                 =  NDVAL / ( NLOCS * NDVALC)
NVLOC  - Number of values per location.
                 =  NLAY * NVALDC 
        The following is always true:
Dataset class: Data at nodes
                   1.  NLOCS = 1
                       NLAY  = 1
                       NDVAL = NVALDC
                   2.  Typical fortran I/O statements for the data
                       sections are:
                        1000 FORMAT (I10)
                             READ(LUN,1010) (VAL(I),I=1,NDVAL)
                        1010 FORMAT (6E13.5)
                             Where: VAL is real or complex data array
                                    NUM is element number
Dataset class: Data at elements
                   1.  Data on 2D type elements may have multiple values
                       through the element thickness.  In these cases:
                 NLOCS =1
 NLAY  =Number of layers of data through the thickness.
                         NDVAL = NLAY * NVALDC
                       For solid elements: 
                         NLOCS = 1
 NLAY  = 1
                         NDVAL = NVALDC
                       The order of the nodes defines an outward normal which 
                       specifies the order from position 1 to NPOS.   
                   2.  Maximum Value For NVALDC Is 9.
                       No Maximum Value For NDVAL.
                       No Maximum Value For NLAY.           
                   3.  Typical fortran I/O statements for the data
                       sections are:
                             READ (LUN, 1000) NUM, NDVAL
                        1000 FORMAT (2I10)
                             READ (LUN, 1010) (VAL(I),I=1,NDVAL)
                        1010 FORMAT (6E13.5)
                             Where:  VAL is real or complex data array
                                     NUM is element number
Dataset class: Data at nodes on elements
                   1.  Data on 2D type elements may have multiple values
                       through the element thickness.  In these cases:
                 NLOCS =Number of nodes for the element.
 NLAY  =Number of layers of data through the thickness.
                         NDVAL = NLOCS * NLAY * NVALDC
                       For solid elements: 
                         NLOCS = Number of nodes for the element.
 NLAY  = 1
                         NDVAL = NLOCS * NVALDC
                       The order of the nodes defines an outward normal which 
                       specifies the order from position 1 to NPOS.         
                   2.  Maximum Value For NVALDC Is 9.
                       No Maximum Value For NDVAL.
                       No Maximum Value For NLAY.           
                   3.  Typical Fortran I/O statements for the data sections
                             READ (LUN,1000) NUM, IEXP, NLOCS, NVLOC
                        1000 FORMAT (4I10)
                       C       Process Expansion Code 1
                             IF (IEXP.NE.1) GO TO 20
                             NSTRT = 1
                             DO 10 I=1, NLOCS
                               NSTOP = NSTRT + NVLOC - 1
                               READ (LUN,1010) (VAL(J),J=NSTRT,STOP)
                        1010   FORMAT (6E13.5)
                               NSTRT = NSTRT + NVLOC
                        10   CONTINUE
                             GO TO 50
                       C       PROCESS EXPANSION CODE 2
                        20   READ (LUN,1010) (VAL(I),I=1,NVLOC)
                             NOFF = 0
                             DO 40 I=1,NLOCS
                               NOFF = NOFF +NVLOC
                               DO 30 J=1, NVLOC
                                 VAL (NOFF+J) = VAL(J)
                        30     CONTINUE
                        40   CONTINUE
                        50   NDVAL = NVLOC*NLOCS
                             Where:    NUM is element number. 
                                       IEXP is the element expansion code 
                                       VAL is real or complex data array. 
Dataset class: Data at points
                   1.  Only Tetrahedral elements will be supported.
                   2.  For solid elements: 
                         NLOCS = Number of points on the element data is stored
                                 for.  Determined from the element type and 
 NLAY  = 1
                         NDVAL = NLOCS * NVALDC
                   3.  Maximum Value For NVALDC Is 9.
                       No Maximum Value For NDVAL.
                   4.  The element order is equal to the P-order of the element
                   5.  The number of points per element is calculated from
                       the element order as follows:
                         Number_of_Points = sum(i= 1 to P-Order+1)   
                                           [sum(j = 1 to i)[1 + i - j) )]]
                   6.  Typical Fortran I/O statements for the data sections
                             READ (LUN,1000) NUM, IEXP, NLOCS, NVLOC, IORDER
                        1000 FORMAT (4I10)
                           (See 3. for Data at Nodes on Elements)
                                        Analysis Type
                                              C                       C     t
                                              o           F           o     i
                                        N     m           r           m     c
                                        o     p           e           p      
                                        r     l           q           l     N
                                        m     e     T                 e     o
                                        a     x     r     R     B     x     n
                            U           l           a     e     u     
                            n     S           E     n     s     c     E     L
                            k     t     M     i     s     p     k     i     i
                            n     a     o     g     i     o     l     g     n
                            o     t     d     e     e     n     i     e     e
                            w     i     e     n     n     s     n     n     a
                            n     c     s     1     t     e     g     2     r
       Design set ID        X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
       Iteration number           X     X                             
       Solution set ID      X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
 N     Boundary condition   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
 E     Load set                   X           X     X     X     X     X
 E     Mode number                      X     X                 X     X
       Time step number                             X                       X
       Frequency number                                   X           
       Creation option      X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
       Number retained      X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
       Time                                         X                       X
       Frequency                        X                 X           
       Eigenvalue                                               X     
       Modal Mass                       X                             
       Viscous damping ratio            X                             
       Hysteretic damping ratio         X                             
 R     Real part eigenvalue                   X                       X
 A     Imaginary part eingenvalue             X                       X
       Real part of modal A                   X                        
       Real part of mass                                              X
       Imaginary part of modal A              X                      
       Imaginary part of mas                                          X
       Real part of modal B                   X                        
       Real part of stiffnes                                          X
       Imaginary part of modal B              X                      
       Imaginary part of stiffness                                    X

(c) 2000 Structural Dynamics Research Corporation