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15.8 Compressing RIS8 Images in an HDF File: hdfcomp

15.8.1 General Description

The hdfcomp utility reads RIS8 images from a set of HDF files, compresses them and stores the compressed data in a second HDF file. If the output HDF file exists, the compressed images will be appended to it.

15.8.2 Command-Line Syntax

hdfcomp output-filename [-c|-r|-i] input-filename-1, [-c|-r|-i]input-filename-2, ... [-c|-r|-i] input-filename-n

-r No compression

The raster image data is not compressed. (the default)

-c Run-length Encoding

The raster image data is compressed using run-length encoding.

-i IMCOMP Compression

The raster image data is compressed using the IMCOMP algorithm.

15.8.3 Examples

A directory contains twenty files named "storm001", "storm002", ... "storm020". Each of these files contains a single RIS8 image. To compress these images using run-length encoding and store them in a file named"altcomp.hdf", use the following hdfcomp command:

hdfcomp allcomp.hdf -c storm*.hdf

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HDF User's Guide - 07/21/98, NCSA HDF Development Group.