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13.3 Error Reporting in HDF

Most HDF error reporting routines return FAIL (or -1) if the operation is successful and SUCCEED (or 0) otherwise. Each time a FAIL code is returned one or more error codes are pushed onto the error code stack. The following pseudo-code will demonstrate the two methods commonly used to access and print the contents of this stack.

if (<general HDF function() >= FAIL) {
	<HDF error reporting API routines>
status = <general HDF function( );
if (status == FAIL) {
	<HDF error reporting API routines>
A list of error codes is included at the end of this chapter.

13.3.1 Writing Errors to a File: HEprint

HEprint writes the errors on the stack to the specified file. There are four sections of an HEprint error report:

  1. A description of the error.
  2. The routine in which the error was detected.
  3. The source file in which the error was detected.
  4. The line number in which the error was detected.

The syntax for HEprint is as follows:

C:		HEprint(stream, level);
FORTRAN:	status = heprnt(level)
The stream parameter is a UNIX file handle indicating the output stream the error information will be written to. The level parameter specifies the amount of error information to report. In FORTRAN-77, HEprint always writes to the standard error stream, or stderr, therefore the only parameter is level.

Errors are written in sequential order starting from the bottom of the stack. Consequently, specifying a level parameter value of 1 will write the first error that occurred, or the first error pushed onto the stack. Specifying a level parameter of value 0 will write all errors on the stack to the specified file. For example, the following C code will write all errors on the stack to the file named "errors".

	f = fopen("errors", "w");
		HEprint(f, 0);
As an example of the output of HEprint, suppose an attempt is made to open an nonexistent file with Hopen. Calling HEprint(stdout, 0) or heprnt(0) will produce the following output:

	HDF error: <error opening file>
		Detected in Hopen() [hfile.c line 305]

13.3.2 Returning the Code of the Nth Most Recent Error: HEvalue

HEvalue returns the error code for the nth most recent error and is only available as a C routine. The error_stack_offset parameter specifies the number of errors to regress from the top of the error stack.

The syntax for HEvalue is as follows:

C:		status = HEvalue(error_stack_offset);

13.3.3 Returning the Description of an Error Code: HEstring

HEstring returns the error description associated with the error code specified by the error_code parameter as a character string. As with HEvalue, HEstring is only available in the C HDF library.

The syntax for HEstring is as follows:

C:		error_string = HEstring(error_code);

EXAMPLE 1. Writing Errors to a Console Window

The following C code fragment will copy errors from the stack to a console window.

#include "hdf.h"

	main( )

	int32 i, e;
	const char *str;
	i = 0;
	while ((e = HEvalue(i)) != DFE_NONE) {
			str = HEstring(e);
			<device-specific code to print the string to a console>

TABLE 13B - HDF Error Codes

Error Code
Code Definition
DFE_NONE No error.

DFE_FNF File not found.

DFE_DENIED Access to file denied.

DFE_ALROPEN File already open.

DFE_TOOMANY Too many AID's or files open.

DFE_BADNAME Bad file name on open.

DFE_BADACC Bad file access mode.

DFE_BADOPEN Miscellaneous open error.

DFE_NOTOPEN File can't be closed because it hasn't been opened.

DFE_CANTCLOSE fclose error




DFE_RDONLY File is read only.

DFE_BADSEEK Attempt to seek past end of element.

DFE_PUTELEM Hputelement error.

DFE_GETELEM Hgetelement error.

DFE_CANTLINK Cannot initialize link information.

DFE_CANTSYNC Cannot synchronize memory with file.

DFE_BADGROUP Error from DFdiread in opening a group.

DFE_GROUPSETUP Error from DFdisetup in opening a group.

DFE_PUTGROUP Error on putting a tag/reference number pair into a group.

DFE_GROUPWRITE Error when writing group contents.

DFE_DFNULL Data file reference is a null pointer.

DFE_ILLTYPE Data file contains an illegal type: internal error.

DFE_BADDDLIST The DD list is non-existent: internal error.

DFE_NOTDFFILE The current file is not an HDF file and it is not zero length.

DFE_SEEDTWICE The DD list already seeded: internal error.

DFE_NOSUCHTAG No such tag in the file: search failed.

DFE_NOFREEDD There are no free DDs left: internal error.


DFE_BADREF Illegal WILDCARD reference number.

DFE_NOMATCH No DDs (or no more DDs) that match the specified tag/reference number pair.

DFE_NOTINSET Warning: Set contained unknown tag. Ignored.

DFE_BADOFFSET Illegal offset specified.

DFE_CORRUPT File is corrupted.

DFE_NOREF No more reference numbers are available.

DFE_DUPDD The new tag/reference number pair has been allocated.

DFE_CANTMOD Old element doesn't exist. Cannot modify.

DFE_DIFFFILES Attempt to merge objects in different files.

DFE_BADAID An invalid AID was received.

DFE_OPENAID Active AIDs still exist.

DFE_CANTFLUSH Cannot flush DD back to file.

DFE_CANTUPDATE Cannot update the DD block.

DFE_CANTHASH Cannot add a DD to the hash table.

DFE_CANTDELDD Cannot delete a DD in the file.

DFE_CANTDELHASH Cannot delete a DD from the hash table.

DFE_CANTACCESS Cannot access specified tag/reference number pair.

DFE_CANTENDACCESS Cannot end access to data element.

DFE_TABLEFULL Access table is full.

DFE_NOTINTABLE Cannot find element in table.

DFE_UNSUPPORTED Feature not currently supported.

DFE_NOSPACE malloc failed.

DFE_BADCALL Routine calls were in the wrong order.

DFE_BADPTR NULL pointer argument was specified.

DFE_BADLEN Invalid length was specified.

DFE_NOTENOUGH Not enough space for the data.

DFE_NOVALS Values were not available.

DFE_ARGS Invalid arguments passed to the routine.

DFE_INTERNAL Serious internal error.

DFE_NORESET Too late to modify this value.

DFE_GENAPP Generic application level error.

DFE_UNINIT Interface was not initialized correctly.

DFE_CANTINIT Cannot initialize the interface the operation requires.

DFE_CANTSHUTDOWN Cannot shut down the interface the operation requires.

DFE_BADDIM Negative number of dimensions, or zero dimensions, was specified.

DFE_BADFP File contained an illegal floating point number.

DFE_BADDATATYPE Unknown or unavailable data type was specified.

DFE_BADMCTYPE Unknown or unavailable machine type was specified.

DFE_BADNUMTYPE Unknown or unavailable number type was specified.

DFE_BADORDER Unknown or illegal array order was specified.

DFE_RANGE Improper range for attempted access.

DFE_BADCONV Invalid data type conversion was specified.

DFE_BADTYPE Incompatible types were specified.

DFE_BADSCHEME Unknown compression scheme was specified.

DFE_BADMODEL Invalid compression model was specified.

DFE_BADCODER Invalid compression encoder was specified.

DFE_MODEL Error in the modeling layer of the compression operation.

DFE_CODER Error in the encoding layer of the compression operation.

DFE_CINIT Error in encoding initialization.

DFE_CDECODE Error in decoding compressed data.

DFE_CENCODE Error in encoding compressed data.

DFE_CTERM Error in encoding termination.

DFE_CSEEK Error seeking in an encoded data set.

DFE_MINIT Error in modeling initialization.

DFE_COMPINFO Invalid compression header.

DFE_CANTCOMP Cannot compress an object.

DFE_CANTDECOMP Cannot decompress an object.

DFE_NODIM A dimension record was not associated with the image.

DFE_BADRIG Error processing a RIG.

DFE_RINOTFOUND Cannot find raster image.

DFE_BADATTR Invalid attribute.

DFE_BADTABLE The nsdg table has incorrect information.

DFE_BADSDG Error in processing an SDG.

DFE_BADNDG Error in processing an NDG.

DFE_VGSIZE Too many elements in the vgroup.

DFE_VTAB Element not in vtab[].

DFE_CANTADDELEM Cannot add the tag/reference number pair to the vgroup.

DFE_BADVGNAME Cannot set the vgroup name.

DFE_BADVGCLASS Cannot set the vgroup class.

DFE_BADFIELDS Invalid fields string passed to vset routine.

DFE_NOVS Cannot find the vset in the file.

DFE_SYMSIZE Too many symbols in the users table.

DFE_BADATTACH Cannot write to a previously attached vdata.

DFE_BADVSNAME Cannot set the vdata name.

DFE_BADVSCLASS Cannot set the vdata class.

DFE_VSWRITE Error writing to the vdata.

DFE_VSREAD Error reading from the vdata.

DFE_BADVH Error in the vdata header.

DFE_VSCANTCREATE Cannot create the vdata.

DFE_VGCANTCREATE Cannot create the vgroup.

DFE_CANTATTACH Cannot attach to a vdata or vset.

DFE_CANTDETACH Cannot detach a vdata or vset with write access.

DFE_BITREAD A bit read error occurred.

DFE_BITWRITE A bit write error occurred.

DFE_BITSEEK A bit seek error occurred.

DFE_TBBTINS Failed to insert the element into tree.

DFE_BVNEW Failed to create a bit vector.

DFE_BVSET Failed when setting a bit in a bit vector.

DFE_BVGET Failed when getting a bit in a bit vector.

DFE_BVFIND Failed when finding a bit in a bit vector.

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HDF User's Guide - 07/21/98, NCSA HDF Development Group.