
Section 2

HDF Routine Reference

2.1 Reference Section Overview

This section of the Reference Manual contains a listing of every routine contained in the HDF version 4.1r2 library. For each interface the pages are organized alphabetically according to the C routine name. Each page addresses one C routine and the related FORTRAN-77 routines, and takes the following form:


return_type function_name(type1 parameter1, type2 parameter2, ... , typeN parameterN)

parameter1 IN/OUT:

Definition of the first parameter

parameter2 IN/OUT:

Definition of the second parameter

. . . . . .

parameterN IN/OUT

Definition of the Nth parameter


Section containing the functionality of the routine.
Return value

Section describing the return value, if any.


This optional section describes the proper use of the routine, the specification of the parameters, and any special circumstances surrounding the use of the routine. This section also identifies any prerequisite routines and provides appropriate references.


This section provides a synopsis of the equivalent FORTRAN-77 routine or routines.


HDF Reference Manual - 07/29/98, NCSA HDF Development Group.