CRN#: 12952, Time: 8:00 - 8:50 am, MWF
Location: Surge 108
INSTRUCTOR: | Ronald D. Kriz (, 231-4386) |
Office Hours | Tuesday & Thrusday 3:30-6pm; Norris Hall, Room 300C Other times by appointment only; email: the day before. See instructor for special arrangements. |
Text |
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige Wiley, Sixth Edition (6|E) |
Prerequisite | Statics, ESM 2104 |
Corequisite | Differential Equations, MATH 2214 |
Letter Grades | A:93-100; A-:90-92; B+:87-89; B:83-86; B-:80-89; C+:77-79; C:73-76; C-:70-72; D+:67-69; D:63-66; D-:60-62; F:59 -> |
COURSE SYLLABUS-OUTLINE: handed out in class and posted on the Scholar, can now be downloaded: Course syllabus-outline
GRADE WEIGHTING: 15% homework-quizes, 60% four tests, 25% final exam.
FINAL EXAM: Common-Time, May 11, 2010, Tuesday 7-9:00pm, location TBA.
TESTS All four tests are common-time. All tests will have 12 to 13 multiple choice questions with no workout problems for partial credit. Absence during a test will result in a grade of zero. Makeup tests will be given only when a very serious documented reason exists for absence. All tests will be located in WHIT 300 7:00-8:30PM. Test dates:
HOMEWORK: Homework problems will be collected on Wednesday. No homework will be accepted late for any reason whatsoever. The lowest Two homeworks can be dropped at the end of the class. Each assignment will be given a percentage grade based on the level of difficulty. Please leave flat and staple upper left corner. Put your name in the upper right corner, the assignment number and date in the upper left corner. An example problem format will be handed out in class.
QUIZES: Will be given the last ten minutes of class on M, W, or F. Quizes will be based on topics covered in the lecture as posted on the the classe outline for that day. Quizes will not require calculations and will be based on basic concepts, e.g. what equations to use or how to setup the solution for solving a specific problem.
GRADES: Will be posted on the Scholar website.
HONOR CODE: The Virginia Tech Honor code applies to all homework and exams, and no form of dishonesty will be tolerated by the instructor or the students. If a serious attempt to work a homework problem is unsuccessful, then help may be sought from another student, including those currently in the course. But this help must be limited to the minimum necessary to allow further progress. Copying of another students work, including work from old notes, or permitting your work to be copied, is considered a serious breach of the honor code.
Ronald D. Kriz
Virginia Tech
College of Engineering
ESM2304 Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
Spring 2010