Elastic Anisotropy - Hexagonal - Polar Plots: JWave
Elastic properties of fiber, matrix, and their composities.
Interactive JWave interface computes and plots elastic
engineering properties for a unidirectional composite
at various fiber volume fractions
Look at files in interactive polar-plot JWave directory "module01"
Problem Statement
Click on image to start an interactive JWave session

Figure 12. Polar diagram of grahite/epoxy Young's modulus E3 for various fiber
volume fractions, in GPa.
Click on image to start an interactive JWave session

Figure 13. Polar diagram of grahite/epoxy shear modulus G23 for various fiber
volume fractions, in GPa.
Click on image to start an interactive JWave session

Figure 14. Polar diagram of grahite/epoxy Poisson's modulus n
32 for various fiber volume fractions, in GPa.
NOTE: yellow, green, and purple line indicates negative Poisson's ratio.
Course content in this section: email
Dr. Ron Kriz
Created November 1997 / Modified January 1, 2001