Angular properties plotted on glyph topologies: 1) PNS, 2) HWY, 3) Reynolds, 4) Quadric
For stress tensor ,, principal: stresses / directions, Details: numerical calculations

Mercator Maps of Angular Properties Mapped Onto Eigenvalue-Surface Topologies
Image Types (click on Mercator maps below to project these maps onto eigenvalue surfaces as image type 8
or select VRML and CAVE links to view same 3D eigenvalue surface projections as image type 1)
Stress Tensor Topologies PNS glyph, HWY glyph, Reynolds glyph, Quadric glyph
LOCATION - 1: X - Y - Z
Eigenvector Principal Directions
Rotate Axes:
  VRML-1   VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
LOCATION - 2: X - Y - Z
Eigenvector Principal Directions
Rotate Axes:
  VRML-1   VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
LOCATION - 3: X - Y - Z
Eigenvector Principal Directions
Rotate Axes:
  VRML-1   VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
LOCATION - 4: X - Y - Z
Eigenvector Principal Directions
Rotate Axes:
  VRML-1   VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
VRML-1  VRML-2      

Rotate Axes:  VRML-1  VRML-2
Composite: VRML-1  CAVE  VRML-2
Common Center: VRML-1  VRML-2
Composite: VRML-1  CAVE  VRML-2
Common Center: VRML-1  VRML-2
Composite: VRML-1  CAVE  VRML-2
Common Center: VRML-1  VRML-2
Composite: VRML-1  CAVE  VRML-2
Common Center: VRML-1  VRML-2
Composite: VRML-1  CAVE  VRML-2
Common Center: VRML-1  VRML-2