Laboratory for Scientific Visual Analysis

Quotes on visualization in Science /
Glyph Above?: Movies & VRML
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,
- Table of Contents Only for This Site
- NCSA /
Academic Affiliate /
Alliance ) Partnership
- Our Future:
( CAVE(tm) ),
( SUN-VNI Java-Server )
CAVE Schedule & Reservations
- Introduction: Linking Research and Education
- Research Summary
- Education Programs and
Courseware Development
- Student
Projects ( ESM4714):
( 91
/ 92
/ 93
/ 94
/ 95
/ 96
/ 97
/ 99
/ 00
/ 03
/ 07
/ 08
- Lab Facilities / Other Labs
at Va Tech That Use Visual Tools
- Visualization Reference Center
- Visit Us /
directions with maps.
NCSA Academic Affiliate
- Partnership in Advanced Computational Infrastructure
FUNDED MARCH 27, 1997.
- NCSA is a partner with the
Virginia Tech NSF-ARI CAVE(tm) Proposal, July 1996 (funded)
- Virginia Tech Proposal,
Dec. 1995 to the
Power Grid Alliance was accepted.
- NCSA-NIST Workshop, Sept. 1995, /
- NCSA: ACCESS article on VT VizLab,
Engineering with Visual Analysis,
Fall 1993 (Vol.7, No.2)
- First NCSA httpd web server in Virginia, July 1993.
- Invited to work in NCSA's Software Development Group (SDG), Summer 1991.
Many activities in
NCSA's Computational Structural Mechanics Group
relate to the computational
mechanics research at Virginia Tech. Fouad Ahmad has also organized information
that would be of interest to
Computational Mechanics Community, such as the United States Association
for Computational Mechanics (USACM), conferences, workshops, publications,
and other places to search the web.
John Shalf, a former Virginia Tech graduate student, worked for a while in
Relativity Group. John was one of the first students to take our Scientific
Visualization class at Virginia Tech in 1992. John put together a very
nice summary of Information
and Tutorials for Visualization Tools Available at NCSA.
Introduction: Linking Research and Education
The Lab for Scientific Visual Analysis is an open lab for students and
faculty. Its primary goal is to enable the engineer/scientist to better
understand his/her data through the use of visual methods.
Visual display of quantitative information can be a useful tool in learning
experiences both in the classroom and laboratory.
Recent technologies, such as three-dimensional
X-ray tomography and MRI
tomography systems, Doppler
velocity field measurement systems, and super
computer simulations of physical phenomena, have created a new demand
for interpretation, analysis, and display of massive quantities of data.
With well designed visual tools, the investigator can analyze these data
sets more efficiently. In some cases visual analysis can lead to new discoveries
In our first five years:
- we developed three general visual
methods which have been used by students and faculty for both research
and educational projects. These same visual methods can provide physical
insight into relationships embedded in massive data sets or complex algebraic
- We organized a semester
course and a short course targeted for researchers and educators interested
in applications in science and engineering.
- In several case studies we have observed that the same visual tool
that helped a researcher to discover a new property was also used to educate
students in the classroom and colleagues and sponsors at conferences.
From these experiences we have observed a higher regard for visualization
skills and talents. In fact we have witnessed that this return to "visual
thinking" has helped to link research and education.
Research Summary
For a summary of research and related activities at Virginia Tech that
have used scientific visualization tools and methods, see the section on
Insights. More detailed descriptions of research projects that
use visual data analysis will be completed below as information becomes
Current Research Projects that have used the Visualization Lab:
- Army Research Office: Adiabatic
Shear Banding, Batra & Stevens.
- NSF-STC: Evolution
of the Ionospheric Kelvin Helmholtz Instability, Scales.
- NASA & EPA: Sulfate Aerosol Climate Forcing, Peters, Zaveri, and Lee
- AFOSR: Center for Simulation and Modeling in Material Science, Farkas, et al.
- Lincoln University, New Zealand: Exploring a Model of Ground Water Solute Dispersion, Alan E. McKinnon
- NASA Langley: Parallel
Filtered Back Projection Algorithm, Rao & Kriz.
- NSF-STC: Multiple
Wave Scattering in Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Liu & Kriz.
- NSF-SUCCEED: Download multimedia
module, Gopolakrishnan & Kriz.
- John Deere:Value
Metering Visualization, Shalf & Kriz.
- Alcoa: Educational
Visualization Grant, Kriz.
- Durability, Inc. & Materials
Response Group: Composite material programs & projects.
Education Programs
The Visual Analysis Lab is affiliated with several education and research
activities across the Virginia Tech campus. Our goal is to create an environment
where students learn by creating their own solutions interactively and
working in teams when appropriate. For example:
- NSF Proposal, "Combined Research and Curriculum Development: Computer Simulation of Material Behavior --
From Atomistic to the Continuum Level" / (Project Summary). Computing has had a tremendous impact on research in the sciences, but much of this knowledge remains to be transferred into the classroom. This project will focus on developing Java applications so that undergraduate students can access and learn about recent advances in mechanics of failure of engineering materials by using high speed computer networks and Java enabaling web interfaces. With these tools students can interactively create and parametrically design material systems.
- Drs. Chris Beattie (Math) and Cal Ribbens (Computer Science)
team teach an undergraduate honors course on High Performance and
Scientific Computing where students learn about high performance
scientific computing by creating their own programs and visualize the results.
- Mr. Jason Lockhart (Director of The
Multimedia Lab) and Dr. Ron Kriz (Director of the Laboratory
for Scientific Visual Analysis) team teach a course on Scientific
Visual Analysis and Multimedia (ESM4714)
where students work closely with their advisors and create their own multimedia
and web modules on a educational or research project. Some projects contribute
to their Senior Design Project, M.S. or Ph.D. This class was featured in
December 7, 1994 issue of The
Chronicle of Higher Education
- Develop educational multimedia modules for the undergraduate engineering
curriculum as part of the NSF Southeastern University and College
Coalition for Engineering Education
- Professors and students in the
NSF - Science and Technology Center's
Summer Undergraduate Research Program
(SURP-OLD 95 / 96) have created
some of the multimedia and web modules listed below.
- Viscoelasticity, for ESM-MSE-Chem: Download
Multimedia Module.
- Navigable Interactive QT-Movies: Download
Multimedia Module.
- The Structure of Electron Shells, for Chem-MSE: Download
Multimedia Module.
- Diffusion,
for MSE 2094
- Molecular
Dynamics, for MSE 2094.
- Phase
Diagram Basics, for MSE 2094.
- Statistics Project: Current Version /
Original Version:
MSE 2094 and Central Virginia Governor's School Curriculum..
- PV-Wave Java Applets that facilitate
the creation of a distributed visual computing environment.
- Future activities include:
- Chris Beattie, Cal Ribbens and Ron Kriz have created a Scientific
Modeling and Visualization Classroom which will located in the ACITC but
is temporaily located in Hancock Hall. The SMVC extends beyond the present limited
resources in the SciViz and Multimedia Laboratories where UNIX workstations are
required for UH3004, ESM4714 and MSE2094 and other classes across campus.
The SMVC will be the
located in the new Advanced Communications and Information Technology
(ACITC) building.
- The SMVC-ACITC "CAVE-classroom" will also serve as the
new VE (Virtual Environment) training center for the Navy Collaborative Integrated
Information Technology Initiative (NAVCIITI).
- Independent educational/research
projects completed in the Viz Lab.
Together these courses and NSF funded programs have been used by educators
and researchers, both on and off campus, to explore how their educational
and research programs can benefit from the use of visualization and / or
multimedia tools and methodologies.
Courseware Development
- UH3004:
(Undergraduate Honors), High Performance and Scientific Computing
Instructors: Cal Ribbens (Computer Science) and Chris Beattie (Math)
(Class NoteBook)
- ESM4714:
(Undergraduate/ Graduate ), Scientifc Visual Analysis and Multimedia
Instructors: Ron Kriz (ESM-MSE) and Jason Lockhart (Multimedia Lab)
NoteBook) Student
Projects ( 91
/ 92
/ 93
/ 94
/ 95
/ 96
/ 97
/ 99
- MSE2034:
(Undergraduate), Elements of Materials Engineering.
- MSE2094:
(Undergraduate), Analytic Methods in Material Science.
- ESM2204:
(Undergraduate), Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (NSF-SUCCEED).
- ESM5344:
(Graduate), Wave Propagation in Solids.
With our ftp server we share software that we have developed
for the various programs listed above. Most of these modules are Macro
Media Player files created by:
- NSF Summer Undergraduate ResearchProgram (Mac).
- NSF-SUCCEED undergraduate engineering modules (Mac & Windows),
- Visualization Multimedia Class Projects (mostly Mac and some Windows).
Lab Facilities
University Visualization and Animation Group
of the
Advanced Communication and Information Technology Center
On-Campus: "VT-CAVE Classroom"
Scientific Modeling and Visualization Classroom (SMVC)
Hancock Hall Room 212A
The lab is comprised of 27 machines:
7 SGIs, 13 Sun Sparcs, 1 DEC and 6 PowerMacs.
All machines except the DEC have Pinnacle read/write optical drives.
WORKSTATIONS: "VT-CAVE" off-campus site
-, SUN Sparc-2
-, SUN Sparc-2
-, SGI340VGX
-, SGI Indigo (S/N 00000001)
-, SUN Sparc-10 Ultra
-, SGI Octane MXI
-, SGI Elan
-, DEC 5000
-, SUN Sparc-5
-, SGI Indigo High Impact
-, SGI Octane MXI
WORKSTATIONS: "VT-CAVE Classroom" on-campus site
- 1 - SUN Sparc Ultra1, smvc server.
- 8 - SUN Sparc20s: "Planet-Name"
- SGI Power Onyx Rack, Pyramid CAVE
Visualization and Animation Laboratory of Engineering (VALE)
(Off-Campus site, Hancock Hall, Room 212A)
- SGI Deskside Power Onyx, Pyramid I-Desk
; SUN Sparc10 Ultra
Tektronixs Phaser IIp, HP Color LJ 5M and Apple IIG
- Visual Numerics, Inc.
On-Campus Software Distribution Request
- Unix:
- NCSA Software:
( DownLoad: XImage, XDataSlice,
Composite Tool, HDF, Collage),
- Visual Numerics (PV-Wave),
- Advanced Visual Systems (AVS),
- Research Systems Inc. (IDL),
- Khoral Research Inc. (KHOROS),
Patran, FAST, Plot3D.
- Macintosh:
- NCSA Software:
( DownLoad:
Image, DataScope, PalEdit, Telnet, Collage, Mesher, and UIFlow
- Fortner Research LLC: (Dicer,
View, Format, and Transform),
- Adobe (Photoshop, Pagemaker),
- Microsoft (Word),
- MacroMedia (Director).
Other Labs at Virginia Tech That Use Visual Tools
- ESM Fluids Mechanics Laboratory
- Center for Modeling and Simulation in Maerial Science
- ICAM: Jeff
Borggaard Research in Fluid Dynamics
- Art Department Visualization
Lab: Bob Fields
- Software Technologies Laboratory
Please let us know if we missed your Lab. We will include a link to
your lab on request.
Contact R.D. Kriz at
Visualization Reference Center
- SUPERCOMPUTING Conference Series
(1988 - 2004)
IEEE Virtual Reality '99
| IEEE VR 2000
| IEEE VR 2002
| IEEE VR 2003
| IEEE VR 2004
High Performance Computing Resources
- Computer Graphics Jumpstation
CECM Research Projects
American Institute of Physics (Includes Computers in Physics)
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
On the following pages, click on this image
to return to the VT Viz Lab homepage.
Please contact
Ron Kriz at: for further information.
Ron Kriz, Director
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
Revised September 23, 2004